Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Differences between the Chesapeake and New England Area in Colonial Times Essay Example

The Differences between the Chesapeake and New England Area in Colonial Times Essay The Differences Between The Chesapeake and New England Area In Colonial Times Europeans started the colonization of America in the mid 1600s. Before all else they all came to escape from something in Europe, and keeping in mind that there were numerous different explanations behind leaving, most were escaping from strict mistreatment. The other fundamental fascination was monetary success in another world rich with assets, to either be sent back to Europe, or to just use here and make another life for themselves, better than that which they had back home. The English provinces of the Chesapeake nd New England were comparable as far as who established them ( English pioneers), yet the likenesses basically halted there when it came to purposes behind settling, and once they had built up themselves how their economies and social orders were set up. They contrasted enormously in monetary structure, strict convictions, cultural structure, and furthermore populace make-up. The two districts were close, yet at long last became two totally various areas with interesting characters. The New England zone was initially settled by individuals looking for strict opportunity in the new world. They were essentially Puritan Separatists. They chose to go to the new world after the Church of England isolated from Catholicism in a choice made by King Henry VIII. In spite of the fact that the Church of England and Catholicism were did not interlace anymore, they despite everything felt they didn't have the whole measure of strict opportunity they wanted. They concluded that the best strategy is head to the new world so they could begin a general public wherein they could rehearse their strict convictions uninhibitedly and without mistreatment. We will compose a custom article test on The Differences between the Chesapeake and New England Area in Colonial Times explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The Differences between the Chesapeake and New England Area in Colonial Times explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The Differences between the Chesapeake and New England Area in Colonial Times explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer They were additionally Joined by certain quakers and catholics who had not Joined the congregation of England, who likewise needed reedom to rehearse their strict convictions how they saw fit. In spite of the fact that they went to the new world to begin a general public dependent on living a strict life,having strict opportunity, and being an open minded society, as a general rule they wound up being extremely vainglorious in their convictions as being holier than thou towards different settlements. This is on the grounds that their whole cultural structure depended on religion, and living as temperate a real existence as could reasonably be expected. The Chesapeake district couldn't in any way, shape or form be any increasingly inverse of the New England area with regards to their strict convictions and practices. The Chesapeake locale was established basically for monetary addition, and consequently religion was not the foundation on which it was established, just like the case with the New England area. The essential church in the Chesapeake district was the Anglican church. Strict cooperation and accentuation was extremely low in the Chesapeake area. Because of this their general public was not organized around religion just like the New England locale, rather it was organized around financial thriving. The New England locales cultural structure was totally founded on religion due their being established based on strict opportunity. This implied everybody in the area was very confidence arranged, and acted as so. The populace in the New England district was totally white Europeans. There was almost no to no business farming tasks in this locale as they accompanied the plan of strict opportunity and not monetary endeavor. Because of this they depended principally on means cultivating to accommodate their needs and needs. The main genuine business adventures in the territory at the time were transport building and carpentry. This prompted their being a lot of urban improvement in the zone at the time ue to the need to house the entirety of the individuals who lived in the area. They could bear the cost of the land to house the same number of individuals as they needed since they didn't require the land to use for cultivating and other rural undertakings as they were not worried about making a benefit off of them. In an extremely unmistakable difference to the cultural and monetary cosmetics to the New England territory, the Chesapeake region was by and by a total inverse in pretty much every perspective referenced previously. The Chesapeake territory was not established on quest for strict opportunity, yet rather in the quest for financial success. As such there society was totally organized around monetary endeavors and monetary profit, essentially through the agrarian business. The fundamental money crop for the territory during this timeframe was Tobacco. Since they were centered totally around rural ventures and making however much benefit as could be expected, their populace cosmetics was altogether different too from the New England regions populace. They Chesapeake area was completely stuffed with slaves. These slaves were required in the zone to work the farming fields with ease, or basically the nitial cost of the slave. Executing slaves into the condition implied that the entirety of the proprietors of these agrarian undertakings had the option to amplify their benefit, and in this manner become exceptionally affluent, which was the first thought behind establishing their district from the beginning. Because of this training the locales populace was principally comprised of slaves. It required a great deal of captives to work the tremendous measure of rural regions that were found all through the area, thus they brought the same number of slaves over from Africa as they could. Because of the zone being established olely with the end goal of agrarian venturesome and financial benefit, there was almost no genuine urban turn of events. In spite of the fact that the areas in the end Joined in the proper arrangement of the American states, they were totally various districts from the beginning, and during their time. The Chesapeake locale being established totally for financial additions, while the New England district was established altogether for the quest for strict opportunities. The cultural structure of the Chesapeake region was totally established and dependent on financial aspects, while the cultural structure of the New England Area was ompletely religious. The populace structure in the Chesapeake zone was on the whole land proprietors and their slaves, while the New England region was basically contained white Europeans. There was no genuine overwhelming economy in the New England territory at the time beside transport building and carpentry since they were totally centered around their confidence, and interestingly the Chesapeake was totally centered around and revolved around their horticultural economy. At long last despite the fact that they were extraordinary, they met up and shaped the beginnings of what is presently our country as we probably am aware it today.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How To Set Deadlines To Make Your Team More Efficient

Step by step instructions to Set Deadlines To Make Your Team More Efficient Youre blogging for clear reasons: Yourâ blog is an extremely amazing asset. On one hand, it goes about as a SEO apparatus to bring your business site more traffic, while on the other, it gives valuable data that sets up your image and assemble trust. Also, that helps transform your perusers into paying clients. Be that as it may, blog entries are included various segments, so they require numerous individuals or for one individual to wear numerous caps all together for the correct catchphrases, thoughts, content, pictures, and promoting to meet up and workâ as a firm unit. So how to set cutoff times and work as a collective group to make great substance is a test. In any case, heres precisely how you can shake a substance creation process that works for your group from how to set cutoff times and assignâ roles to really creatingâ the shared blog entry. Instructions to Set Deadlines To Make You (And Your Team) More Efficient by means of @titanwebagency1. Set up Blogging Goals And Guidelines Before you begin blogging, you have to set up objectives for your blogging group so they make them control rules that will advise their work. What do you would like to achieve with your blog? A few instances of good objectives for a blog are: Increment natural traffic to site as a major aspect of a complete substance promoting effort. Fabricate your organization’s notoriety as a confided in wellspring of data in your industry. Associate with potential clients in your intended interest group. Make unique material to distribute to online life outlets. Notwithstanding building up some wide objectives, for example, getting more Web traffic, you ought to likewise have some particular blogging rules for your group. A few instances of these might include: What number of words each post ought to have. What number of connections/pictures/catchphrase utilizes/and so forth each post ought to have. How frequently blog entries should be distributed (article schedule). Where to discover suitable pictures for the blog. Composing tone/syntax/style rules. Data about the intended interest group you are composing for. By building up objectives and rules for your blog, you make an establishment that will help shape your blog and guarantee that all colleagues are in the same spot. In the event that everybody in the group comprehends what you would like to achieve with your blog and how you need them to do it, this will dispense with the requirement for broad revising, altering, and different issues not far off. Begin #blogging by transforming your objectives into #blog posts. #contentmarketing2. Ensure Everyone Knows Their Role At the point when you envision how a blog entry is made, you may think about a solitary individual, composing endlessly in isolation the blogger. In any case, successful business blog entries frequently require a few people to cooperate in a community oriented condition. Normally, it’s best for the jobs to be part between a few people, however in some cases one (occupied!) individual may satisfy all jobs. Here are some of run of the mill jobs that go into blog entry creation: Undertaking administrator: This individual appoints all errands and sets cutoff times. Subject and catchphrase generator: This individual is liable for discovering blog themes and doing exploration to decide the best watchwords and title to utilize. This individual may likewise be the undertaking administrator. Content essayist: This individual is liable for composing the substance, which should consolidate the thoughts, catchphrases, title, and so forth., as given to them by the undertaking supervisor or subject/watchword generator. Content supervisor: This individual checks and fixes the content’s language structure before the post is distributed. Picture discoverer and blog distributer: The going with pictures (and picture labels) are basic for a decent blog entry. Somebody must be liable for finding these pictures and making sure about the important copyrights. This equivalent individual is regularly likewise responsible for really posting the blog (normally utilizing a substance the executives system like WordPress) and ensuring everything looks as it should. Advertiser: A blog entry isn't worth a lot if nobody ever understands it. Somebody needs to advance your blog via web-based networking media, presenting joins on it across various destinations and internet based life stages. These showcasing group jobs may vary to some degree starting with one group then onto the next, yet the fact of the matter is that everybody included is liable for a specific assignment so nothing gets left by the wayside. Ensure everybody associated with #blogging is answerable for a specific errand so nothing is missed.It’s additionally acceptable to have colleagues that can satisfy different jobs if necessary. For instance, if your principle essayist is away multi week, the supervisor ought to have the option to step in and satisfy her job. 3. Set Deadlines Your Team Can-And Will-Actually Meet Everything youve done as such far-defining objectives, rules, and jobs has paved the way to how to set cutoff times that are practical and feasible for your group. When everybody realizes their job in making a blog entry, you have to set cutoff times to ensure each colleague really finishes their allocated task, and that they do as such in an opportune issue. All things considered, you ought to distribute another blog entry each one to about fourteen days, so practicality is vital. In today’s generally virtual work environment, the most ideal approach to set cutoff times and ensure everybody is on task is by usingâ a venture the executives instrument like . With , you can deal with all interchanges in regards to the blog in one spot, and guarantee all undertakings and subtasks are finished on schedule. assists groups with working together on content promoting ventures like blogging, internet based life, and occasions. The instrument permits groups to allot various assignments to numerous individuals taking a shot at a given undertaking, while at the same time limiting the utilization of email. You can use to appoint undertakings and cutoff times to your whole team. This is a real case of the work process we use at ! In light of job, you can alter your work process, set cutoff times for each colleagues interesting undertakings, and remark to and fro to the group directly in . What Does A Successful Collaborative Blog Post Look Like? In this way, you’ve set up a group and they’ve began to distribute websites. In any case, how would you know whether these web journals are any acceptable? Well first, you’ve got the opportunity to ensure they have explicit directions. The entirety of our essayists know precisely what is normal with each blog entry, including, however not restricted to: Word tally Tone of article Number of inbound and outbound connections Kinds of pictures to utilize What's more, more†¦. Think about the things youd need to remember for an ideal Write For Us page. Let’s jump into it somewhat more profound. Alright, all in all, what characteristics do successful blog entries have? Great blog entries have different visuals. Custom pictures, illustrative screen captures, and photos of genuine individuals are ideal (instead of stock photographs). The rules for our scholars determine what number of pictures, and the sorts of pictures that are fitting for the blog entry. Great blog entries are anything but difficult to peruse. Substance ought to be separated into numerous segments with different headers and sub-headers. Visual cues and numbered records are a lot simpler to peruse than a major divider o-content. Great blog entries are enhanced for SEO. Posts will coordinate watchword examine in a characteristic, natural way. Great blog entries have joins. Ensure your blog entry connects to different assets for additional perusing, including past blog entries you’ve distributed. Where conceivable, you ought to likewise connection to studies and measurements that strengthen the focuses you make in your blog. Great blog entries are unique and locks in. This implies they shouldn’t have any re-hashed content from different websites. They have to have unique thoughts and be written in a crisp, drawing in way. Great blog entries have legitimate sentence structure. On the off chance that you need your blog to be fruitful, a blog entry with awful language is just unsatisfactory. Ensure all scholars and editors are adequate and don’t have messy composing propensities. Great blog entries have incredible titles. Having a snappy title is essential in the event that you need your blog to excel on web indexes. In the event that you need assistance you can utilize a feature analyzer or a blog theme generator. Don’t Forget About Guest Blogging While few out of every odd blog entry will require a visitor blogger, this is another significant job that puts forth your blog a gathering attempt. As a visitor blogger-somebody who composes a post for a site other than their own-I am ready to pick up introduction and Web traffic for my business through new outlets, and permit new crowds to become acquainted with me. Another extraordinary thing about visitor blogging is that it is a two-way road, implying that I regularly get a visitor blog entry from the webpage I’m keeping in touch with one for. This encourages me meet my own substance needs and furthermore get some new and fascinating viewpoints for my blog. This is an extraordinary method to divvy up the work for your group, which puts somewhat less strain on a portion of your cutoff times. Keep in mind: Your Blog Is A Work In Progress Having one great blog entry is positively an achievement, however all together for your blog have an enduring effect that assists your organization’s objectives, you have to distribute incredible blog entries all the time. That implies realizing how to set cutoff times each colleague meets.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dna Fingerprinting Essay Example For Students

Dna Fingerprinting Essay DNA FingerprintingDNA Fingerprinting is additionally alluded to as DNA profiling and DNA composing. It was first evolved as a recognizable proof method in England in 1985. The first use was to uncover the nearness of any hereditary infections. Around three years after the fact it got used to distinguish crooks through the examination of hereditary material and to settle paternity questions. It is as yet utilized thus today. The DNA fingerprinting process is called gel electrophoresis. It is a procedure that can sort bits of DNA as per its size. The procedure is finished by taking examples of DNA from the wrongdoing scene and contrasting it and tests from the charged. Tests are taken from natural materials like blood, semen, hair, and salivation. In the testing procedure the DNA tests are first gone into the wells in a gel like substance called Agarose. The gel is set between two cathodes, one contrarily charged and the other decidedly charged. The wells in the Agarose are embedded on the negative side since DNA has a negative charge. Particles of DNA at that point travel in paths toward the positive side. Little atoms will travel more distant than the greater ones, since they have a simpler time traveling through the gel. So the particles will at that point be varying as indicated by their size. Next, the gel is X-rayed to see the equal groups (appeared by dark bars on the film) in every path. The isola ted atoms of DNA structure an example of equal groups that show the structure of the DNA. The example ought to never show signs of change for one individual. In a courtroom, the aftereffects of a DNA fingerprinting assessment can be utilized to convict or vindicate a charged individual. On the off chance that the accuseds DNA coordinates the one at the wrongdoing scene, at that point that individual could be sentenced. Pundits accept that a DNA unique mark may not yet be sufficiently solid to use in the court framework. They question how precise a DNA unique mark is and its expense. They accept that it isn't extremely exact in light of the fact that lone a fragment of DNA is utilized and not the total strand. A DNA unique mark may not be special. The affirmation of the uniqueness has not been affirmed at this point. Likewise the procedure is done in private research centers so the specific testing gauges may not be followed and normalized quality controls may not be utilized. Human mistake can have bogus outcomes on the off chance that they don't utilize the specific testing principles with quality controls. The testing is over the top expensive and on the off chance that the denounced cannot pay for the testing, at that point they won't have the option to protect themselves utilizing the consequences of the test. Additionally an inquiry is, will individuals abuse the procedure? An abuse that alarms them is the unapproved utilization of the database that will be made with the expanding utilization of the DNA unique finger impression. A case of an unapproved use is distinguishing people with a hereditary ailment by looking into their own profile without their consent. CasesKatie Hoskins at 15 years old found the body of her killed mother, Glenda Hoskins, inside a moved up cover in their space. She was assaulted by her previous sweetheart, Victor Farrant, while scrubbing down. She was wanting to cut off their three-year association. Before her assault she got a letter from Victor expressing, take these guidelines to be intense. F*** me about or decline to do anything I ask and you will be tied up and choked. I won't rehash myself. You won't get another opportunity. On the off chance that I need to utilize any savagery to get what I need, I will. It will have no effect to me, Im going to get what I need in any case. The decision is yours. Be acceptable and willing to me and you will go to no mischief. I will be delicate, yet recollect you should show willing and be responsive. In the examination of her body they found that she was pulled by her lower legs while in the tub so he could choke out her under the water. It additionally turns out that he endeavored to execute a whore, Ann Fidler, fourteen days before the demise of Mrs. Hoskins. Mrs. Fidler was a whore who worked out of her home. Mr. Fidler discovered his scarcely alive spouse after a visit by Mr. Farrant. He utilized an iron to beat her head so hard that it tumbled off the handle and he additionally utilized the necks of three jugs. She had such serious head harms that piece of her cerebrum must be evacuated. Through DNA fingerprinting the blood tests at the wrongdoing scene coordinated Mr. Farrant that brought about his capture in July, 1996. .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 , .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .postImageUrl , .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 , .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:hover , .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:visited , .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:active { border:0!important; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:active , .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u918f ffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u918fffcc63412aa06c72863e4c23a021:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Trial And Ultimate Death Of Socrates May Possibly Be One Of The Mo Essay In Narborough, England two secondary school young ladies at fifteen years old were assaulted and killed. A seventeen-year-old kid, Rodney Buckland handed himself over for one of the homicides, in 1986. His DNA test didnt coordinate the semen found in the young ladies bodies. So he was the principal individual in history to be freed from a wrongdoing by DNA fingerprinting. After Rodney was cleared, they began a DNA based manhunt. Each man around there between the ages of 18 and 35 was approached to turn in their blood tests willfully. A discussion examining this issue between Colin Pitchfork and his companions was over heard by somebody in a neighborhood bar. They were examining how a companion was going to turn in a blood test for him so he would not get captured. The police were called and Colin was captured. His blood test coordinated the one from the wrongdoing scenes. He was condemned to two life sentences, in 1987. He was the principal killer to be indicted by a DNA unique mark. BibliographyAdler, Jerry and McCormick, John With A New Database And Other High-Tech Tools On The Way, Forensic Science Is Becoming A More Powerful Crime warrior Than Ever. Newsweek.comBelair, Robert DNA Fingerprinting Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, 1993-1997No Author DNA Fingerprinting The World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1998Boggan, Steven In The Courts: Girl Found Body Of Murdered Mother Hidden Inside Electronic Library, January 14, 1998Lampton, Christopher DNA Fingerprinting, book, 1991

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Math 1 Subject Test vs. SAT Math Test

Rules If you want help deciding whether to take Math 1 or Math 2 Subject Tests, there are a dozen websites that will guide you through the decision process. But once you’ve decided on Math 1, how do you know what to study? Chances are you’ve already been studying for the Math Section of the SAT, so you might want to know what topics you have to add. The College Board website lists the topics on the Math 1 Subject Test, but a cursory glance reveals that all of those topics also feature on the regular SAT. Yet, the two tests are not the same, and knowing the differences can help you master your Math 1 Subject Test and round out your college application. Fortunately, as an experienced tutor in both levels of Subject Test and the SAT Math Test, I’m here to help. A Note about naming To avoid confusion, in this article we will always use â€Å"SAT Math Test† to refer to the math portion of the regular SAT and â€Å"Math 1 Subject Test† or just â€Å"Subject Test† to refer to the SAT Subject Test for Math 1. Rules Different Purpose à   Different Format The SAT Math Test examines how analytical reasoning enters everyday life. The Math 1 Subject Test, on the other hand, tests understanding of math. This subtle difference manifests in a few ways. There are no grid-in questions on the Math 1 Subject Test and you do not get the reference table of geometric areas and other facts that the SAT Math Test provides. The biggest effect of this changed focus is fewer long word problems on the Subject Test. The SAT Math Test loves to introduce a real-world equation with a long paragraph of context, all of it irrelevant to solving the problem. You won’t find those questions on the Subject Test, however. There are still word problems, but the language in them tends to be terse and to the point, a density that can be useful when scanning for clues. Calculator While the SAT Math Test splits between calculator and no calculator sections, the Math 1 Subject Test allows calculators the whole time. This means that familiarity with your calculator becomes a premium. Furthermore, while a simple algebraic calculator is sufficient to solve all problems on the SAT Math Test, there are usually a couple questions at the end of the Math 1 Subject Test that require a graphing calculator. Some students may already use graphing calculators, but if you do not yet have one, you should consider investing in one for the test. It will make several problems accessible to you that might be challenging or even impossible without graphing. Scoring The biggest scoring difference between the two tests is that the Subject Test features negative scoring, which docks you a quarter of a point for every wrong answer. This means that, unlike that SAT Math Test, where it is always worth hazarding a guess even if you have no idea, guessing is less likely to raise your score on the Math 1 Subject Test. Although this discourages wild guessing, if you can cut down your possible answers to only two or three options by process of elimination, it is still worthwhile to guess. In addition to the guessing penalty, the scoring breakdowns are different, with scores tending to cluster in the higher range. For example, while getting 10% of the questions wrong on the SAT Math Test would give you an approximate score of 730, on the Math 1 Subject Test it would be a 760. The percentiles are also different, although selection bias muddles comparisons. For example, A 750 on the SAT Math Test equates to approximately the 96th percentile, while on the Math 1 Subject Test, it’s the 92nd percentile. A 700 on SAT Math Test is the 92nd percentile but would be the 74th percentile for the Math 1 Subject Test. This reflects different testing pools because students taking the Subject Tests are more likely to be high performing and focused on applying to college. For this reason, the overall score is the best means for comparison. Subject Matter Functions While functions occasionally show up on the SAT Math Test, the questions usually cover basic concepts like defining domain and range, determining the graph of a function from its equation, or finding the point of intersection. All of these show up on the Math 1 Subject Test, but the Subject Test also explores deeper into the topic. You are much more likely to see problems about compound functions, symmetry, and function transformation so reviewing those is an easy way to help jump the gap between the two tests. Trigonometry Like functions, the difference in Trig is not so much a matter of inclusion as one of focus. Geometry makes up only about 10-15 percent of any given SAT Math Test, but can make up more than 40% of the Math 1 Subject Test, with Trig alone taking up as much as 8%. This means much more room for questions about angle relationships, side length rules, special triangles, and similarity ratios. The Subject Test also regularly includes Trig Identities and the Law of Sine, which are extremely rare on the SAT Math Test. Solid Geometry The increased focus on Geometry extends beyond two dimensions. While 3D geometry still makes up only 4-6% of the Math 1 Subject Test, it is still worth spending some time reviewing common topics such as the 3D distance formula; the relationship between linear, area and volume growth; and how to find volume and surface area for the major shapes. The Math 1 Subject test also extends beyond the SAT Math Test into topics such as inscribed and rotational solids. These questions remain relatively rare, but if you are aiming for a top score, you’ll want to review them. Overall, the two tests overlap far more than they diverge, and a solid preparation for one will likely help your scores on both. However, by following these guidelines on the differences, you can make your studying more efficient and maximize your score for the Subject Test. National tutoring companies develop generalized curricula aimed at a broad population, the so called "average students." They do not tailor their curricula to you because customization is expensive and time-consuming, so their tutors are all trained to teach the same modules, in the same order, over and over again. We believe that a tailored program is a basic prerequisite for any effective tutoring relationship, particularly for high school students navigating the SAT. We build each tutoring relationship around each unique student. Before you even meet with a tutor, like Jacob, you will take an official exam and input your results into our SAT software; based on your diagnostic results, your tutor will outline the content, structure and pacing of your first session. ; Taking the SAT soon? Check out some more helpful blog posts below! The Standardized Test Super Power Word Problems on the SAT Math: A 7-Step Game Plan Mastering the SAT Reading Section

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hero Of A Hero - 926 Words

The ancient Greeks had strict and strong values on what it meant to be a hero in their society. Individuals who wanted to be seen as a hero had to follow this standard in order to become and be seen as a hero. Being a skilled warrior was not the only requirement, one had to respect authorizes, both governmental and religious. This code even goes on to state that hero’s mind must not be prideful and arrogant. These men had to be modest and humble. Honor of course also played an important role in the homeric code. A hero’s duty was to fight and gain glory through their battles. Through one’s battle they would achieve immortality. Because of this hero constantly place their lives in near death situations on the battlefield. Their performance in battle determined their honor and glory. Lastly, to be considered a hero, one must have a clear mind and thoughts. A hero was not permitted to be blinded by rage. They must resist themselves from act of cruelty and injustice . If they would kill someone it should be done swiftly ending the victim’s life as quickly as possible. These codes affected a how society viewed a hero greatly. It was a social responsibility to maintain one’s status and reputation. If one were to break the code or lost honor and glory in battle, they would feel as if meaning has been lost in their live. Achilles, Hector, and Agamemnon who followed these strict laws believe themselves to be hero. However, with some reflection of their attitudes and action, oneShow MoreRelatedThe Hero As A Hero1529 Words   |  7 PagesWhen the term â€Å"Hero† is brought up, many people will have a different definition of it. According to website, the real definition of a ‘hero’ is â€Å"a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character; and a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.† Nowadays, the word â€Å"hero† can be associated with literally anyone. Heroism can be associated such as famous people, fictional charactersRead MoreA Hero As A Hero767 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent people who have influenced me to do the precise thing and have made a tremendous impact on my life and where I am at today. A hero can be interpreted in a variety of unalike ways and by a various amount of people, but the single and most important person who I consider to be a hero to myself would be my grandfather, Theodore Brown. My grandfather was not only a hero to me, but an inspiration. To start, my grandfather taught me to be brave and to face my fears which have already come into playRead MoreThe Hero As A Hero1009 Words   |  5 PagesI could never fully understand what the title hero represents. It is very confusing thinking about a definition of the word hero. Growing up I had a lot of heroes. My favorites heroes changed as I was growing older. As a kid, Superman was my favorite hero. He could fly, stop bullets, he had laser eyes, and see through walls. It was exciting. When I grow older, John McClane was my hero. He will stop terrorist all by himself, risking everything that he got just to save the people he cares about. ItRead MoreThe Hero Of A Hero907 Words   |  4 Pagesexemplifying a hero developed into something everyone longed to do. This ambition remains today. However, obtaining a hero-like persona constitutes much more than saving a cat from a tree or helping an elderly woman cross the street. A hero not only affects the direct person in need of he lp, but the many around as well. In order to have the classification of a hero, one must adopt a courageous, determined, selfless, and inspiring attitude while also attaining an opportunity to show heroism. A hero must manifestRead MoreA Hero As A Hero889 Words   |  4 Pages Anyone can be a hero, even you! A hero does not have to be someone with powers or a costume. A hero is someone or something that you can look up to or admire. All heroes are not perfect, and they can make mistakes as would a regular human. There is a difference though because heroes have the enormous responsibility. They are always being signaled, and they are always expected to do the right thing. Heroes are many times forced to test their character which leads them to realize their potentialRead More: A Hero Is A Hero1414 Words   |  6 PagesPeople define the word â€Å"hero† differently. 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International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik Essay Example For Students

International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik Essay Beautiful Colors of Malaysia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. INTERNATIONAL GLOBALIZATION MARKETING PLAN Of BATIK EMPAT KAWAN SDN BHD ( 804520-X ) C-7-06, 2ND Floor, Block C, SME Technopreneur Centre Cyberjaya 22700 Jalan Usahawan 2, 63000 Cyberjaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Tel: 603-88888888 Fax: 603-81000000 Email: [emailprotected] com Contents ? Executive Summary ? Mission ,Vision and Objectives ? 1. 0 Company Background 1. Company Abroad 2. Organisational Chart 3. Features and Benefit 2. Product and Services 3. 0 Market Analysis 3. 1 Competitive Advantage and Barriers to Entry 3. 2 Ownership 3. 3 Legal Entity 3. 4 Competition 3. 5 Market Size 3. 6 Target Customer 3. 7 Trends 3. 8 Communications 4. 0 Financial Viability 4. 1 Sources and Use of Funds Expansion 4. 2 Financial Plan 4. 3 Financial Plant 4. 4 Use of Fund 4. 5 Income statement Projection 4. 6 Cash Flow Projection 4. 7 Balance Sheet 5. 0 Sales and Marketing Strategy 6. 0 SWOT Analysis 7. 0 Goals 8. 0 Conclusion â€Å" To be a World Class Provider of BATIK Garment Industry † Our mission is to establish a Global Batik Boutique industry with world-class quality in fashion design to support corporate clients and stylist society of upper market. We would like to be known as an industry driven by social values. We strive to be a â€Å"Choice of Retailer† in developing long-term Batik business relationships with our customers, which are founded on our ability to help identify the style-fashion and recommend the best wares and look’s for our customers. We strive for continuous improvement in providing â€Å"New Design† and â€Å"Good Quality† materials selection through a â€Å"Right-on-Time † fashion delivery. Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd need to grow their revenue by exporting Batik products and expanding into new markets segmentation. With faster communication, transportation and financial flows, the company is planning penetrate into United Kingdom Consumer market on establishment of Batik made garment products . 1. 0 Company Background Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd (BEK Sdn Bhd ) is a Malaysian owned company, a batik fashion and boutique consulting firm head quarters in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, specializing in all kind of batik design garment products. BEK Sdn Bhd incorporated in 2001, has an Sales Office and Manufacturing plant at Kajang. Then in 2007 we have moved into SME Technopreneur Centre, Cyberjaya. In end of 2007 our employees nearly reaching 200 peoples. BEK Sdn Bhd Employees Work Force Table |Employees Growth |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 | |No. Years | | | | | | | | |Direct Laborers |6 |10 |40 |40 |100 |150 |198 | BEK Sdn Bhd has domain expertise in batik design. Our team consists of multi-skilled professionals, with high creative talents and inspirations from various platforms. BEKs management is drawn from various garment industries and their presence to the company creates wealth of experience and an unceasing flow of ideas to help us identify client needs and new areas of business and industry growth. BEKs employees provide the experience and tactical excellence that are needed to achieve our aggressive goals of satisfying clients requirements both today and in the future. The batik manufacturing division of BEK with our alliances to Indonesian batik, possesses world-class expertise in the batik garment industries domain, covering design development and manufacturing supports of Batik Products for men and women clothing merchandiser for local and international market. 1. 1 The Management Team Mr. Shivabalan, Mr. Sanjay, Mr. Md. Yusni and Mr. Goby are the company’s Board of Directors. They spell out the vision and strategic direction of BEK and oversee the company expansion. The fours Directors are co-owners and person’s who are responsible for the growth of BEK Sdn. Bhd as today. Mr. Sivabalan and Mr. Md. Yusni has worked more ten years in the retail industry, including four years as the manager of an antique furniture shop. The earned a MBA degree in Marketing from College of Business, UUM. Mr. Sanjay experience lies in the fashion industry. He’s worked with designers, wholesalers and retailers for roughly 10 years. Sanjay holds a MBA in fashion merchandising from College of Design, UPM Mr. Goby is had an experience in managing a garment factory as an Senior Operation Manager for 15 years. 1. 2. Batik’s History Batik, pronounced Bah-Teak is a technique used on textile. The fabrics are hand-dyed using wax as a dye repellent. Melted wax is first applied to the fabric to outline the areas that are to be free of dye. There are many methods that can be used to apply the liquid wax. The most common way is to brush it or directly pouring the wax onto the fabric. The molten wax is left to cool, it hardens and penetrates into the fabric. The fabric is then soaked in dye. The wax prevents dye from penetrating onto the fabric and therefore keeps those areas of fabric in their original colour. In Malaysia, there are two major batik types: a) Hand Drawn Batik designs are drawn on fabric with hot liquid wax, using a metal object called canting, then with a brush to paint the dyes within the outlines. With the brush, shades and multi-hued designs are created. b) Block Printed Batik instead of using the canting, a copper block or a wooden stamp with artistically patterned bottom is used. The block is dipped into wax and printed onto the fabric, which will then b e dip-dyed. The wax will then be removed and batik with a single colour is produced. For multi colours and more complex block-printed batik, different blocks are used and de-waxing has to be done many times. Many types of fabrics can be used including cotton, rayon, voile and silk. The patterns are usually floral and geometrical motifs, arranged in an assortment of layouts, depending on the current trends. 1. 2 Our line of Products The Batik clothing fashion and retail industry tends to be overly youth focused. However, by closely following generational fashion trends as well as our own customers purchasing preferences, we will tailor our inventory to meet the specific needs of our clientele. We will solely focus on the styles, colors and cheer-up batik fits to our customers. Some of our Products in the Market Women Men Cloths Batik Garment Women Wares 2. The Spin of Plans Our confidence and excellent team backup drove us to where we are now and finally we have an excellent business model and good credentials to stake claim to establish ourselves as a global Batik garment merchandiser. We have firm plans to set up a Batik made of Product Boutique shop and business offices in United Kingdom . As for this purpose BEK Batik Boutique Ltd. company was established in 2008. A join venture company between United Kingdom local partner and BEK Sdn Bhd. BEK Sdn Bhd holds a majority shares of 85 percent and the local JV partner hold shares of 15 percent. We have extend our services to supplier of Batik products, such as men and women ware clothing into United Kingdom merchandisers outlets and stores. The Batik made products is cater for upper market and stylist living group of peoples. We have a firm plans in setting up the company to penetrate Batik made of Products market in United Kingdom . UK Based Organisation Shares Structure 2. 1UK Based Company Establishment BEK Batik Boutique Ltd established in 2008 which focus on sales fashionable clothing for men and women of younger generation. BEK Boutique was located in downtown of Sunderland, which is a popular retirement and tourist destination. While our initial goal is to open Batik made of Products boutique, expansion plans include potentially franchising our retail store and/or building a well-recognized brand name. In turn, we would hope to penetrate a sizable portion of the online retail market. 1. Demographics South East Asia dominance the Batik manufacturing market industries. There no much Batik merchandiser in Europe and other part of the World. Related to this, the Batik market was monopoly by Malaysian and Indonesian. The quality of the Batik make us better be off compared with the Indonesian. The summer season in UK will our market focus especially along the beach sites. 2. Socioeconomic of UK The peoples of UK’s has a high purchase power, capacity for the kind of unique products such as Batik, etc. The upper-end living society prefer to be stylist and assertive at newer design of cloths. They are looking at the â€Å"latest design cloth in town†. Its has influence the majority of younger generations of UK. Company Location in UK 3. 0 The Strategic Positioning Plans BEK Batik Boutique will be located in downtown Sunderland, United Kingdom. Our company is a retail establishment selling fashionable men’s and womens clothing. Our business operates within the retail industry and is classified under NAICS code 448120 – men’s womens clothing stores. The Company is aimed at providing summer time wares and beach site wares of batik products or cloths. As the companys founders and Foreign partner , found that UK’s current clothing -wear market is missing the mark. In fact, most clothing shops for the 55+ set are still selling clothes that our grandmothers would have worn. As our younger generation population likes modern cloths with unique design. We recognize the need for UK’s peoples that’s BEK Batik Boutique caters to the up-beat, fashion and design. 3. 1 UK Market Acceptance Our key assets are our co-owners, BEK and Joanna Jensen, who bring tremendous experience and relationships to this business. Once BEK Batik Boutique is launched, our primary asset will be our brand, which will convey style, quality and a great shopping experience. In the long term, it is this brand that will separate BEK Batik Boutique from other retailers both locally and nationally. BE Batik Boutique will sell a combination of widely recognized name brands as well as batik clothing lines from select fashion designers. We will closely follow generational fashion trends as well as our own customers purchasing preferences. Moreover, we will tailor our inventory to meet the needs of our â€Å"batik† clientele. Solely focusing on the styles, colors and fits to cheer up the female figure will be our specialty. While apparel, such as batik business clothing, casual wear, tie and formal wear will be our main staple, we will also offer some accessories such as scarves, and hats. Profits will be earned via the sale of our merchandise. Our pricing structure will remain flexible, as we will implement suggested retail pricing on common brands as well as the standard practice of key stoning prices. Additionally, we will utilize a value-based pricing structure, which measures the value of our products to our customers such as easy access, quality, customer service and styles flattering to our target consumer. End of season sales, holiday and overstock sales, multi-buy savings and promotional coupons will be implemented at strategic intervals. 3. Global Commercial Policy and Legal Compliances We govern by WTO requirements and we comply to all its rules and regulations. UK government does not see us as a new merchandiser exploiting host county to the exclusive benefits of their capitalist-imperialist home countries. We have gone to UK as an JV with the local panther down there. Although we hold the majority share in the company but we share our core value and by emp loying the local to manage over day to day business activities. We adhere to the local government policy and contribute as an business tax of 45% from our yearly net profits. 3. . 1 Strategic Implementations Plan BEK Batik Boutique recognizes the importance of marketing. And to that end, we plan to promote our retail business with an ambitious, targeted marketing campaign, which will include a grand opening event, local media coverage, print advertising and a direct-mail campaign. Our goal is to keep our marketing budget to no more than 5% of our gross annual sales, and we will collaborating with local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Merchants Association. 1. Facilities Presently, BEK Batik Boutique does not have a bricks-and-mortar location. Stressful Thinking EssayEntry collection will start at the grand opening and continue throughout the week. Names and contact information will be utilized for follow up marketing initiatives. The Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association will promote the event in local newspapers and radio advertising. Comprehensive advertising and semi-annual direct mail marketing campaigns will follow the grand opening. Low cost publicity activities will also be taken advantage of such as posting sale flyers on community bulletin boards and online. Finally, marketing opportunities will be continually utilized as we expand our business and our consumer numbers grow. . 5 SALES STRATEGY BEK Batik Boutique plans to generate sales via strategic marketing efforts. These concentrated efforts will be targeting new and returning customers as well as single-visit tourist consumers. We will also implement a referral program rewarding customers who refer new customers with discount coupons. F ollowing our grand opening, we will conduct a direct-mail campaign to targeted consumers that we have signed up through our in-store mailing program. The direct mailers will be comprised of 5,000 full-color postcard mailers. Each will include at 10% coupon. We will offer promotional discounts and seasonal and clearance sales throughout the year. BEK Batik Boutique will accept cash and payment via major credit and debit cards. Cash layaway plans will also be permitted. Returns and exchanges must take place within 30 days of purchase and receipts are mandatory. Our sales staff will include both co-owners and 2-3 part-times sales associates. Combined, Sivabalan and Sanjay have nearly 30 years experience in the fashion and retail industries. Comprehensive training will be provided to each sales associate – to include selling merchandise as well as how to provide fashion advice to customers. Our sales team will earn an hourly rate, plus a generous percentage of commission from each sale. 5. 6 STRATEGIC ALLIANCES BEK Batik Boutique plans to join the Leads Chamber of Commerce as well as the Leads Downtown Merchants Association. These organizations are dedicated to promoting local businesses within our community and sponsor several events downtown each year. As a member of these organizations, BEK Batik Boutique will gain exposure, make business contacts, and will benefit from Chamber and Association advertising, Web site promotions and events. 5. 7 OPERATIONS As a retail establishment, BEK Batik Boutique will conduct business seven days a week from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday through Thursday, from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Friday and Saturday, and 12 p. m. to 6 p. m. on Sunday. During the holiday seasons and during special events, store hours will be extended. At this point, the retail store will take require approximately 2/3 of the buildings available space. The remainder will be utilized for stock and administrative purposes. In addition to the two full-time co-owners, three part-time employees will be hired to serve customers. Our company will secure merchandise from local manufacturers with showrooms in Manchester . We’ll also have access to the Leads Apparel Market, which is the largest wholesale merchandise warehouse in the state. Purchasing from FAM, buyers receive product displays and promotional materials with purchase. Additionally, we will work closely with our regional sales representative. We will also attend relevant pre-season fashion trade shows. To control costs, track inventory and manage stock levels, an inventory control system will be set in place. This will include the standard bar code with its related equipment and software. Staff will conduct annual inventory audits and hire outside auditors when necessary. All accounting and finances will be maintained using Peachtree software. 5. 8 GOALS The following is a list of business goals and milestones we wish to accomplish our first year of operations. †¢ Complete renovating, stocking, hiring and initial marketing. †¢ Host a successful grand-opening event. †¢ Penetrate and raise awareness in 60 percent our targeted consumer market. †¢ Achieve a profit margin of 50 percent. †¢ Build a solid customer base and mailing list. †¢ Generate repeat and referral sales. Become a profitable business with expansion potential. †¢ Establish a solid reputation as quality retail establishment. Our first major milestones will be securing funds and setting up our business. This is our major focus right now. In five years, we hope to have established our retail business within the community and within our industry. Furthermore, as co-owners, we would like to see the growth of our store with an increase in product lines, further penetration of the national market with online sales and, under the right set of circumstances, the opening of franchise BEK Batik Boutiques in strategic locations. . 9 EXIT STRATEGY The co-owners intend to launch and grow BEK Batik Boutique for many years into the future. In the event that our investors require repayment of their initial investments, plus a large return on their investments, we will seek a partner to buyout the investors’ shares. Another alternative is a management buyout, which will be agreed upon in advance. In the long term, we will position Booming Boutique as a profitable business that will be an appealing acquisition for any number of retail chains. 6. 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE As a small business, we will have a small staff. Both co-owners will assume leadership roles within the company and will be responsible for daily operations, overseeing marketing efforts, buying merchandise and managing inventory and all other administrative duties. A small sales staff will assist co-owners with securing sales, assisting customers and general maintenance of stock on the floor. 6. 2 LEADERSHIP BEK Sdn Bhd and Joanna Jensen are co-owners and will co-manage BEK Batik Boutique. However, daily responsibilities will differ. BEK will manage the day-to-day operations including supervising staff, maintaining inventory and bookkeeping. Joanna Jensen will oversee the merchandise buying for the store as well as maintain a keen awareness of trends within the industry. She will also work with our public relations firm to ensure superior marketing plans are in place and implemented. Jensen worked in the fashion industry in various capacities working with designers, wholesalers and retailers for 20 years. She earned a BA in fashion merchandising from Colliers Fashion Institute in Miami, Florida. 6. 3 STAFF MEMBERS Booming Boutique will employ a sales staff of 3 part-time employees. These positions are yet to be filled. However, we feel the labor pool is such that finding qualified employees will not be an issue. Our sales associates will be paid an hourly wage, plus commission. Bonuses will be provided with each year of service following an annual review to encourage employee retention. 7. 0 FINANCIAL PLAN 7. 1 REQUIREMENTS Booming Boutique will need $282,000 to get our business off the ground. We are currently seeking funding from outside investors and business loans. 3. 0 MARKET ANALYSIS The total sales reported in the BEK Sdn Bhd retail industry in 2008 (including men and women ware exceeded $4 million. There are roughly 0. 5 million merchandized, half of which are women. In Malaysia, the current population is just fewer than 40,000. 54 percent of the total population is women who have a median age of 48. The median income is $48,600. We will initially seek customers locally, but will increase our reach as we build our brand and secure our image. 1. 6 FINANCIAL PLAN Our company will earn revenue from our customers purchases of our products. BEK batik Boutique’s first-year income statement illustrates a profit margin of at least fifty-two percent, with a net income of $44,075 per month after taxes. Finally, we have determined our break-even point will equal no less than $15,500 in total monthly sales. We project our annual profits to reach $380,000 by year three. Our company will generate revenue from the retail sale of clothing and other merchandise. First year sales are projected at $285,000, and we expect sales to surpass $525,000 by the end of year three. We will achieve month-to-month profitability within the first year. 1. 7 SOURCES USE OF FUNDS EXPANSION BEK Batik Boutique requires $282,000 to launch successfully. We’ve already raised $62,000 through personal investments and a small community grant. We are currently seeking additional funding from outside investors and business loans. Start-up funds will be used for renovations, inventory and operating expenses such as rent, utilities and payroll. Further, our initial investment will also be used to purchase retail equipment and inventory software all of which will produce future benefits for the company. . 5. 3 INTERNET STRATEGY As the Internet has become a staple of United Kingdom life and retail merchandising, BEK Batik Boutique will have a viable Web site. We have secured the domain name BEKBoutique. com. k and will begin site development as funds become available. Further, we plan to hire an established Web designer that will accept modest pay in exchange for future profit-sharing. Foremost, we intend to showcase our brand, our clothing and provide customers with the ability to purchase items online. As the site progresses, we will include features such as fashion advice, designer interviews, newsletters, and Internet-only specials. Eventually, we hope to establish and nurture an online social community where women can gather and discuss topics of the day, network and share clothing secrets. At this time we have raised $50,000 in equity capital and an additional $12,000 for a specific-use grant. Both co-owners, Robin Mathews and Joanna Jensen, have invested $25,000 each into Booming Boutique. We are seeking investors for an additional $170,000 in equity investment and $50,000 in loans. 7. 2 USE OF FUNDS Funds will be used to pay for renovations, including the outside facade (to be paid for via PDRC grant), construction of fitting rooms, sales counter, painting, carpeting, lighting, decor and display fixtures. We will also purchase inventory, a cash register, computer equipment and an inventory management system. The remainder of the start-up funds will be utilized to cover operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, marketing costs and wages. 7. 3 INCOME STATEMENT PROJECTIONS Based on our marketing plans, location, store size and product offerings, we expect to collect annual sales of $285,000 in year one, $375,000 in year two and $525,000 in year three. Our average cost of goods sold will be 40%, which leaves us with a gross margin of 60%. Our minimum monthly fixed costs are $15,500 per month, so we will need to generate sales of $25,833 per month to break even. We will become profitable on a monthly basis before the end of our first year. In our third year, we will earn net income of $105,000. The accompanying income statement demonstrates our companys profitability. 7. 4 CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS Our business will collect immediate payment from customers, so our cash flow statement will be substantially similar to our income statement. Our cash flow statement clearly demonstrates our ability to cover all bills. . 5 BALANCE SHEET BEK Batik Boutique will launch with $220,000 in equity capital and $50,000 in loans. Credit amounts and supplier terms for inventory will appear in our balance sheet as short-term liabilities. Jewelry consignments from vendors will not be documented in our balance sheet and will be expensed as these items are sold. Details are shown in our enclosed balance sheet. 7. 6 ASSUMPTIONS Our projections are based on the assumption that the economy, consumer spending habits and population growth in Leads will continue for the foreseeable future. We must also assume that our present and future suppliers will continue to sell inventory to us at prices that allow us to maintain our present margins. It is also important that we are able to hire reliable employees at reasonable wages BEK Sdn Bhd, Malaysia 85 % shares UK Local Panther Ms. Joanna . J 25% shares BEK Batik Boutique Ltd, UK Vision BEK Batik Boutique Company Secretary and Legal. Mr. Sivabalan Mission Retailer Supervisor Ms. Monica Operation Manager Mr. MdYusni Objectives Design Develop. Manager Mr. Sanjay Marketing Strategy Manager Mr. Goby BEK Sdn Bhd And Jensen